One of hundreds of red rock formations around
the Sedona, AZ area. Being from the midwest this area
was very exciting for me and not the typical landscape.
This was started as a plein air piece and then finished
at the home where we were staying. Such a variety of colors
caused me to change my entire palette to get what I was
looking for. Course I was on the constant lookout for
Rattle snakes. I found it was hard to paint while
looking over your shoulder and around your feet.
One guide told me he had been hiking the trails for
26 years and had never seen one. Ummm I didn't believe him.
Hi Doug,
The poet spinner thinks this is an amazing painting, I really like the natural earthy tones, and the colour of the sky really compliments the image.
You said the guide had not seen a rattle snake in 26 years of hiking.....hmmmm I wouldn't have believed him either(LOL) ;-D
You are doing a wonderful job and the scenery is beautiful. You know if there is a snake in the vicinity I know I would find it - and probably never go outdoors again. :)
Stacey, thank you as always for you very
thoughtful comments and educated
observations. I think the guide had been
drinking and was hallucinating, poor devil
he had probably already been bitten.
Isadora, I am so pleased that you've visited
again, I love your photos and wanted to thank
you for your compliments.
Believe me if I had seen a snake I certainly
wouldn't have waited around to pick up my paints
and other plein air material. I would have hired
the guide to go back and get it for me. I would have
run as fast as I could back to my car and made a
large cloud of dust leaving the parking area.
Snakes? Did somebody say snakes? Yikes!
This is beautiful! What fantastic colors!
Thank you for your gracious comments. I believe you would find Budapest a 'rich soil' of subjects for your canvas :)
:) I see you feel the same way about snakes as I do. Not something I want to look at even in a cage or behind glass.
Well I am certainly glad you did not encounter any of those snakes. You did a wonderful job of capturing the essence of the landscape and chose just the right colors. Very nice..
Thank you for coming by and visiting my blog. It's always nice to relate with other Michiganders. :)
Very good work!!!
Thia is ART!!!!!!
You are MASTER.
Phelps, Congratulations!!!!!
"08-08-08" Olympic Games!!!!
Kelly, thanks for your comments.
No snakes!
Isadora, Someday I would love to visit
Budapest. It looks interesting for painting.
I hate snakes.
I think it's great to find someone else from
Michigan. It's a pleasure to visit your blog
and thank you for your kind comments.
David, Thanks for visiting and your comment.
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